Sunday, November 09, 2008

To Buy or Not To Buy? – Dubai Property Concerns

It’s not a baffling question for just the permanent residents of Dubai. With the continuous and rapid surge in Dubai’s population, a substantial proportion of which consists of expats and temporary residents living in Dubai for employment reasons, the question of buying or renting a residential property in Dubai is the talk of the day.

Both the potential tenants and home buyers may be troubled by the question. But still reports on Dubai real estate say that the changing picture of global financial markets shouldn’t deter the locals from buying Dubai property if their plan is to stay there over the couple of years. As for those who plan to stay in Dubai for more than five years, buying a property ‘now’ can prove to be the wisest decision they ever made given the prices of Dubai property climbing higher and higher with each passing year.

But the option of buying real estate in Dubai doesn’t suit everyone. Most of the younger expatriates are not financially sound, so in order to qualify for a mortgage they need stable jobs with sufficient salary. There’s no certain criterion for the assessment of one’s financial situation – it’s rather a self-assessment process.

Borrowing can be a not-so-good idea if you are in Dubai for a longer period than five years. A wise act should then be to sit and calculate the total rent you’ll pay during your long-term stay and compare it with the current price of the mortgage. At the end of the day, you may find out buying to be a far wiser choice than renting.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Dubai Property from an Investor's Viewpoint

Dubai Property market is probably one of the fastest growing property markets in the world, and has been for the past 2-3 years. Real Estate agents and agencies in Dubai are exploding all across and developments are emerging out of the desert at a pace that puts most cities to shame. Property prices as well have been attractive for investors over this growth period with many people experiencing returns up to 100% in a matter of two to three years. Dubai’s new property laws, introduced in early 2006, have put more stability into the property market by building confidence in property investors.

Dubai’s real estate market, however, isn’t for the novice investor. One of the most important factors to consider when thinking about buying Dubai Property is the developer’s reputation. Dubai’s property boom has left room for first time developers to attract investors with flashy pictures and 3D models of projects, but without any genuine experience in property development. Resultant is the structural faults that are frequently found by new home owners as they move into their new properties. As for real estate rental, the demand for rental properties in Dubai is so high that landlords can rent anything for near record prices as consumers have no alternatives. Hopefully the new Dubai Property Law will ease this in the future.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Property Managers Are Superstars

Being in property management is so easy and many encourage everyone to do it. Think about it, the long hours, the management of staff, keeping the property up, ensuring everything is functional, etc, is a blessing and everyone should do it at least once. Ok, well maybe owning a business is not for everyone. When you are looking at or trying to maintain your business, every decision that you make ultimately affects the bottom line.

Being in charge of the property is not an easy task. Most people do not have any idea on what it takes to run an efficient property. It is sure no one can imagine what their everyday life involves unless you have actually been the manager of the property. Most of us can attempt to guess what their job is like form day to day. They sometimes control the pricing of different facilities, the specials that run and the look and feel of the environment. Some managers have to ensure that their staff is trained and able to help each person that calls or walks through their doors. It is not an easy task being in charge of the property. There is more pressure on them than most jobs.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

How to Become the Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World

Are you ready to take your real estate business to the next level? If you are tired of just bringing home enough money to make a living, it is time for you to take some serious steps toward becoming the Greatest Real Estate Agent in the World.

No matter how determined you are to become a success, you won't go anywhere in the real estate world if you fail to put your clients first. In order for you to be successful, your clients have to believe you are the best in the field. This means taking steps to prove that you already are the greatest real estate in the world. You can accomplish this by:

· Communicating regularly with your clients

· Continually educating yourself on the latest market developments

· Maintaining a friendly and approachable attitude

· Being honest and straightforward with your clients

Demonstrating your knowledge is one step toward winning over your clients, but you also need to make them feel comfortable and as if you always have their best interest in mind. By making your clients believe you are the best, you soon will become one the most successful real estate agents in the business.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Finding Overseas Jobs on the Internet

The Internet has made the almost unfeasible task of searching for a job abroad a thing of the past. Now you can naturally search for profitable employment in almost any country you wish.

For case in point Dubai's economy has grown exponentially over the last few years, and with the financial development there has been an explosion in job opportunity. Finding jobs in Dubai is fairly easy and there are plenty of job vacancies in all sectors.

Develop a Research Strategy: Develop a plan before you begin looking for information by deciding in advance how much time you are willing to invest researching a particular topic. Your topic will influence where to look on the Internet, whether it's searching newsgroups, blogs or company websites. Knowing roughly where your information might be found will assist you in developing your plan.

Monday, January 21, 2008

How to Renovate Your Way to Riches In 2008

The real estate market has taken a fall in many areas, that much is old news. Smart people are looking for an advantage and of course there is one if you are in a place to make a buy then trade real estate in a miserable market is not a bad play. The same fundamentals grasp true today as they did 10 years ago, in property you make money when you buy and right now it's a buyers market, prices will go up again at some point in the future. When do you diagram to sell? It's a good idea to map out an exit plan, it may be a rapid turn over or you may plan to hold the property over time, whatever the approach is you will need to work the plan, of course there are variables that may come into play but always work to a agenda. I've seen many people fall into the 5 year overhaul trap and never get anywhere. Clean and repeat.